Friday, November 21, 2014

Patriotic Essay

Our veterans have sacrificed so much while and after serving. They have gone through mental sickness, losses of friends, and even some of their body parts.

Veterans have gone through hell and back to put it nicely. Most of our veterans come home with mental sicknesses like PTSD or shellshock. The term of shell shock came from World War I when they were bombarding the trenches. There are few treatments for our veterans today.

            A lot of veterans have given their lives and limbs. They have seen friends die right next to them. Their families heard from mail that they died half way across the world. Like in World War Two on D-day on how we stormed the beaches and had all of these losses.

            One-sacrifice veterans make is to miss their children being born. They may miss their parent’s funeral. Their friends might move on and forget. They’ll go to college, get married, and move on.

            Now do you know how much our veterans have sacrificed for our freedom? Good now that you know go and thank them. Be nice and also welcome them home. Especially the Vietnam War vets.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Letters About Literature

Dear Rick Riordan,
I first heard your name from a friend and he said I’d like your books. So I bought the whole set. I’ve had them for a few years. Never read one of the books until last summer.
When I was going to a boyscout camp my mom asked me if I wanted to bring a book with me. So I agreed and I took the book Percy Jacksons the Lightning Thief. I read it on the way down and got ¼ of the way done. Then we got there and we set up tents and got all of our stuff in the tent. Collin and I sat in our tent and talked also read our books. We had classes in the morning and evenings so I read at night that happened for two days.

We left and went home and a week later I when to a church camp I liked with my friend. We were in the same cabin with Heydon our other friend. In our free time they would go to the gym and play games while I stayed and read the book. I had brought the second book just in case I finished the first but I hadn’t. We left and went home.

 We all left for the second boyscout camp and I read the whole way. When we got there I had ¼ of the book left. We’ll this camp lasted for a week and it was right after the last one and I was tired but I finished Percy Jacksons the Lightning Thief and started the second book. We had left and I had completed eight maret badges.

I haven’t finished the other books yet because I’m busy with school. Yet I really liked the story. It helped me realize I like to read and fueled my interests in history. So I thank you for all your hard work.


Aaron DeWitt, Grade 8

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Personal Naritive

         This will be two different stories about sledding. There are mixed emotions and funny stuff. This is the two stories of snow sled fun.
I was five here. “It’s a nice day out, but a little chilly so bundle up my.” Mom said. I did and I went sledding with my sister. We sledded for a while and went in side and had hot coco and we played a little.
We went back out and started to sled again. (My house was located right next to the highway and a country road.) We sledded on the opposite side this time and it was stepper. So my sister went first and she was fine. Then I went and it was fine at first.
            I got to the ditch and was going faster than expected, and flow out of the ditch still on my sled, and slid across the road and there was a truck coming to. I flow into the other ditch. (The other side of the road was a cow farm with barbed wire fence.) I rolled out and my sled went up the barbed wire fence and was in a 45o angle.
I was thrilled and scared. I was fine at the end. I went back to the house and quit for the day.

This is the second story. It’s a bit short because I don’t really remember it too much.

I was six here.  I went sledding in Red Oak, IA with my family. Everyone was there and it was a nice day to sled. We were at the park, which had the water tower in it. It is a big park and it has baseball and softball fields to.

We spent a good half-hour there before the accident. I was going down the hill and I looked back at my mom and then wham. I hit the pole with my head. I blackout and when I woke up I was at home. That was a nice and bad day to go sledding.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Problem-Soution Essay

Do you like testing? Do you have enough freedom? Can you eat or drink while testing? I didn’t think so. Well we have the solution for you.

            Have you ever heard of a potation? If so, start one. It gets awareness out about the problem. And it might just work if used on the right problem.

            When you have started it get people to sign it. When they sign it say what it’s about. When that’s done say thank you and leave. Don’t forget to tell them to come to the meeting.

            Once that’s done go to court or go to the person in charge and hand it to them. If it is not passed or approved go start another way of getting it passed. If that doesn’t work than it wasn’t meant to be.

            That’s what I would do (don’t give up). If it doesn’t work for me than I would just quit. I don’t like to waste time. But you might and it might not be wasting time for you.

Monday, September 29, 2014

I Am From Poem

I am from

I am from gaming room
Desktop, mini fridge, and a china hutch
Warm, cool some times
It’s also close to the kitchen

I am from desktop
It runs fast and smoothly
It has a lot of hard drive, and ram
But an ok graphics card
It glows red on the fans

I am from SWTOR
Playing, solo, friends
It’s long and fun
Full of action
Worldwide coop

I am from Darth Vader’s voice
It’s cool and robotic
Dark and eerie
Creepy and ominous

I am from gaming with friends
Playing games
Swtor, warframe, EUIV
Fun, full of laughs
Also full of jokes

I am from pumpkin pie
It’s good when home made
It’s even better when I make it
I eat it when in the gaming room
I make it in homemade crust
Some store bought food to put in it

I am from EU4
It is historical, strategic, co-op
Any historical nation
Like- England, China, Denmark
Historical events
Like- The Hundred Years War,
The Iberian Wedding

I suggest you get it

Friday, August 22, 2014

Some About Me

            Hi this is Aaron, in this paragraph you will a little about me. My hopes and dreams are to learn more about technology. What I like to do in my free time is to play video games with my friends. I like to learn new things by friends and technology. That’s more about me.