Thursday, October 23, 2014

Personal Naritive

         This will be two different stories about sledding. There are mixed emotions and funny stuff. This is the two stories of snow sled fun.
I was five here. “It’s a nice day out, but a little chilly so bundle up my.” Mom said. I did and I went sledding with my sister. We sledded for a while and went in side and had hot coco and we played a little.
We went back out and started to sled again. (My house was located right next to the highway and a country road.) We sledded on the opposite side this time and it was stepper. So my sister went first and she was fine. Then I went and it was fine at first.
            I got to the ditch and was going faster than expected, and flow out of the ditch still on my sled, and slid across the road and there was a truck coming to. I flow into the other ditch. (The other side of the road was a cow farm with barbed wire fence.) I rolled out and my sled went up the barbed wire fence and was in a 45o angle.
I was thrilled and scared. I was fine at the end. I went back to the house and quit for the day.

This is the second story. It’s a bit short because I don’t really remember it too much.

I was six here.  I went sledding in Red Oak, IA with my family. Everyone was there and it was a nice day to sled. We were at the park, which had the water tower in it. It is a big park and it has baseball and softball fields to.

We spent a good half-hour there before the accident. I was going down the hill and I looked back at my mom and then wham. I hit the pole with my head. I blackout and when I woke up I was at home. That was a nice and bad day to go sledding.

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